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Beautiful ornamental plants planted in pots


tanicha76.8829 days agoHive.Blog

Greetings to ornamental plant lovers
I'm back again to show you some ornamental plants that I really like, and these are ornamental plants that can be planted easily in pots, it would be nice to plant them in loose soil to make it easier for these plants to grow perfectly.


This ornamental leaf plant will be very easy if planted in a pot, because apart from being easy to care for, the plant in the pot will also be easy to place in a room or special place, so in this case I can also hope that this ornamental plant will not be placed in sunlight. directly


If the plant still looks small, we can adjust it to the space we provide, before we transplant later, and we can do this according to the age of the plant.



We hope that all my friends will like this ornamental plant, and can try it so that it grows well, hopefully we will also be able to produce the beauty of the plant in the future.

Thank you very much


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