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Liberating : Ohama Fishing Village


menzo862.748 days ago6 min read


The last mission was successful. I finally bring honour to the Tadayori's Legendary Acher Armor by wearing it for the sake of Tsushima Island's freedom. To free Tsushima Island is not an overnight effort; lots of blood and battle will be involved. Even after conquering Castle Kaneda, Izuhara Region get attacked from Mongol's army that was spread across the map. I've been working hard to free the village that was occupied by the Mongols, even taking down their camp that controlled the woods supply and blocking the trading routes in Izuhara Region. Today was no different, I got information from the map intel that Ohama Fishing Village was occupied by Mongol army, and they were taking hostages there.


Before heading to Ohama Fishing Village, I stopped by a bamboo strike, successfully cut all seven bamboos after a few tries. It took a combination of seven keys to execute the bamboo strike perfectly. At first, I miss a lot because I want to hit the photo mode button as my final button as well, and get a clean shot. I only had one change to make it perfect, luckily I execute it nicely and well done.


Ohama Fishing Village was located West of Lake Kunehama. After travelling with my horse, Wira, we reached the village. The landscape view of the village was stunning. From the top of the stone, I saw there was hostage situation in the middle of the village. They (Mongol) seem wanted to get some information from the villager that they held as hostage but they failed. My main mission was to rescue three hostages and protect their lives at all costs.

I use my grappling hook to reach the tree so I can then I swung to the roof of the nearest house. I was like, I play a part of spiderman's ability. It will be easier for me to look around and plan an attack strategy from the roof top. Because I can see the enemy clearly.


After careful consideration, I threw my Black Bomb in the middle of three Mongol that were surrounding the villager. I never done this before, and I hope the bomb will not inflict damage to the villager.


As soon as the bomb touched the ground, it exploded immediately. Just at I thought, the hostage didn't get any explosion damage. He didn't even move an inc, while the three Mongol that I was aiming for were quite impacted by the explosion and received a lot of damage. I can see how much vitality they have left. The explosion damage really reduce their vitality by up to 80 percent. That's huge!


The alarm has been triggered. More Mongols were heading to my location. They cannot climb the roof. So I threw another bomb and killed two enemies. The villager remained safe. Meanwhile, the other Mongols were trying to find the way up there. That's what it's looks like.


I jumped from the roof and killed the swordman who was trying to harm the hostage. I stand beside the hostage so I can protect him easier. The Mongol's weapon will definitely harm and kill the hostage.


All of a sudden, two black and angry dogs jumped towards me and tried to attack me. I manage to dodge the dog's attack and quickly launch Heavenly Strike skill, which instantly killed one of the dogs.


While I was busy with the dog, one of the enemy approached the hostage and tried to make a move to him. Another Heavenly Strike activated and instant kill the attacker.


The fighting was epic! Although I used Tadayori's armor, which doesn't have any advantages in melee fighting, killing the enemies was still overkill .


The fight continued; the blood was a never-ending decoration of the soil. Most Mongols were defeated near the hostage, and this was the last melee fighter before I hit the archer that has been shooting annoyingly.


By dodging and deflecting the enemy archer's arrow, I gave the archer insane difficulty versus a samurai.


The Mongol's archer met his end when I had enough distance to hit and eliminate him.


One of the Mongol that lied down on the floor was not dead yet, so I ended his suffering. What nice of me.


The first hostage saved!


From the middle of the village, I went to search in the north of the village, looking for the remaining hostage. Then, I saw a tied up man, no guard or Mongols were nearby. It was the second hostage.


The second hostage was rescued easily.


After the second hostage safe and sound, I continue my search for the last hostage. I found him, but he was protected by two enemies.


The moment the enemy saw my presence, the Mongol tried to harm the last hostage. Without wasting anymore time, I run as fast as as I could to prevent the Mongol from attacking the hostage.


Meanwhile, the last Mongol in this village was heading towards me.


The last Mongol inside the village was finally eliminated.


The last hostage saved. This final hostage gave me the Key of Ohama. So far, I have two of six Key of Ohoma. Gifted by the farmer of Ohama Farmstead. Ohama Fisihing Village finally was completed.

Before leaving, I took more screenshots around the village. It was daily routine and activity that the NPC did on their daily basis.


Chitchatting? Gossiping!?



Catching fish using traditional way of Japan.

Tiding up.


A woman walked freely, carrying her fish on her backpack.



There were a lot of activities after the village was liberated. I never imagined that this village would be packed with the NPC daily routine.


So, that's all for today. Thank you so much for your support, until next adventure in Tsushima! Have a nice day, goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with a samurai white armor that was generated by ToonMe apps.!


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